Those who do not know any other players locally or are prevented from attending full-contact meetings due to other circumstances can play via the internet as an alternative. All players need is a device with a webcam, loudspeaker, microphone and internet access:

  • find a minimum of two and a maximum of eight fellow players and, if possible, a coach;
  • the coach has the desired domino game ready and has it open and sorted in front of him/her so that he/she can quickly place the drawn dominoes;Double 18 game assorted
  • start a Jitsi video conference in a new window or tab with this link;
  • the coach uses the form below to draw the seating order and dominoes for each player;
  • via the chat function, the coach informs the players separately of their respective drawn dominoes;
  • if the other players also have a domino game at hand, they can use it to place their allocated dominoes in front of them for a better overview.

Have fun!

Randomize players' seating and dominoes

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